A day in the life

I work about 2 days a week and cherish my days off at home. Cyrus is like a sweet, handsome tornado of energy. He never. stops. moving. He is the generalized stereotype of "all boy." He gets into everything at all times. Dog bowls flipped over, glasses and cords pulled off tables that he shouldn't be able to reach, night lights and bottles thrown into the tub or toilet, etc. etc. Fast, strong, inquisitive. David sincerely says "I always want a 1-year old in the house." 
Extra good days involve visits from friends and park dates.
We usually run errands at some point. And i'm pretty lucky because Cyrus is an excellent shopping buddy. He loves to be out and about. 
More playing.

And sometimes we play so hard we break things.  Sigh, RIP lamp.
Eating is always this messy. Which warrants a lot of baths.
Speaking of dinner...I had frozen pulled pork I needed to use from when David smoked some a while back. BBQ nachos make a freaking delicious easy dinner. Toss the pork with whatever BBQ sauce you have, throw on chips with cheese and broil for a few mins in the oven. Then top with cilantro, red onion, and sour cream. MMMM!
My sous chef every night is pretty cute too.
This barely feels exaggerated. 

Some days are more exhausting than others, some days I lose my patience more than others, but i'm thankful. And ALWAYS thankful for bed time too! 

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